Fume has been developed as a part of a postgraduate research completed at the department of Nursing Science at the University of Turku. Based on this research, Fume was found to be a feasible method for early adolescents’ tobacco-related health education.
Scientific research articles on Fume:
Parisod H, Pakarinen A, Axelin A, Löyttyniemi E, Smed J & Salanterä S. 2018. Feasibility of Mobile Health Game “Fume” in Supporting Tobaccorelated Health Literacy among Early Adolescents: A Three-Armed Cluster Randomized Design. International Journal of Medical Informatics 113, 26– 37.
Parisod H, Pakarinen A, Axelin A, Danielsson-Ojala R, Smed J & Salanterä S. 2017a. Designing a health-game intervention supporting health literacy and a tobacco-free life in early adolescence. Games for Health Journal 6(4), 187–199.
Parisod H, Pakarinen A, Axelin A, Löyttyniemi E, Smed J & Salanterä S. 2017b. Acceptability of and Demand for a Tobacco-Related Health Game Application in Early Adolescents with Different Gender, Age and Gaming Habits. In: Tuomi & Perttula (Eds.). Proceedings of the 1st International GamiFIN Conference, Pori, Finland, May 9-10, 2017. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1857, 135–140.